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The Ultimate Coach

Valerie Wise

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

The Holy Spirit – The Ultimate Coach

Professional coaching is a phenomenon which is growing. It is not therapy but rather a means of gaining personal growth and development. The relationship is built on challenging questions, collaboration, and personal growth. Persons determine what is most important to them then with direction from the coach who gives professional, personal, marital, health, etc., guidance they achieve their stated goals without receiving a clinical diagnosis. Coaching allows a person to ask for help or direction without being labelled as having a mental health problem. It gives autonomy, privacy and agency to individuals which is what everyone wants, right?

What if I told you that GOD gives coaching as well, what would you think? Does it sound far-fetched? Well, there is a Divine Coach, the Holy Spirit. He teaches us all things. (John 14:26). He gives us guidance that surpasses anything professional coaching can give. He will lead us into all Truth (John 16:13); He will help us to know what is yet to come. (John 16:13b). His voice says, “This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21)

What is the “all things” that we should know? What is the Way that we are to walk in? It is the walk that leads us to Jesus Christ (John 14:6). It is the message of His Plan of Salvation, the Promise of Eternal Life. It is the ultimate coaching to personal growth that surpasses the promises of riches, and successes this world has to offer. It the sure path to Peace, Love and Joy. We can trust this coaching because it is Perfect.

Hence, the Holy Spirit is our Guide, our true Spiritual Guide. He does not speak of Himself “but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come”. (John 16:13b)

To Whom is the Holy Spirit listening? None other than to God the Father. He is the third member of the Godhead, yet He defers to our Heavenly Father to be His servant on our behalf. We can trust His counsel for our lives and/or for our marriages because His desire is that we might have life more abundantly (John 10:10).

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