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Hind Desh Ke Niwasi Lyrics In Hindi: A Patriotic Song For Independence Day

Hind Desh Ke Niwasi Lyrics In Hindi: A Patriotic Song For Independence Day

Hind Desh Ke Niwasi is a popular patriotic song that is often sung on Independence Day and Republic Day in India. The song was composed by Pandit Ravi Shankar and written by Pradeep Kumar. It expresses the love and pride for the country and its diverse culture, languages, religions and regions. The song also pays tribute to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the nation.

Hind Desh Ke Niwasi Lyrics In Hindi: A Patriotic Song For Independence Day

In this article, we will provide you with the Hind Desh Ke Niwasi lyrics in Hindi, along with the meaning and translation in English. We will also share some interesting facts and trivia about the song and its creators. So, if you are looking for a patriotic song to sing on Independence Day or Republic Day, read on to learn more about Hind Desh Ke Niwasi.

Hind Desh Ke Niwasi Lyrics In Hindi

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Hind Desh Ke Niwasi Lyrics In English

Here is the meaning and translation of Hind Desh Ke Niwasi lyrics in English:

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

They may have different colors, forms, attire and languages

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

Hindustan is ours, we are its children

Hindustan is ours, we are its children

We are the beloved sons of this land's mother

Hindustan is ours, we are its children

The martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom

This soil is nourished by their precious blood

This soil is nourished by their precious blood

We salute them and feel proud of them

We salute them and feel proud of them

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

They may have different colors, forms, attire and languages

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

East-west-north-south are symbols of equality

The tricolor flag is our emblem, with a golden star in the crown

The tricolor flag is our emblem, with a golden star in the crown



We all love our country and respect its constitution

We all love our country and respect its constitution

We will work hard to make it prosperous and strong

We will work hard to make it prosperous and strong

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

They may have different colors, forms, attire and languages

The residents of Hindustan are all one people

Interesting Facts And Trivia About Hind Desh Ke Niwasi

Hind Desh Ke Niwasi is not just a patriotic song, but also a historical and cultural treasure. Here are some interesting facts and trivia about the song and its creators:

  • The song was composed by Pandit Ravi Shankar, who was a legendary sitar player and composer. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honor, in 1999. He was also a close friend of George Harrison of The Beatles and collaborated with him on several projects.

  • The song was written by Pradeep Kumar, who was a renowned poet and lyricist. He wrote many patriotic songs during the Indian independence movement, such as Aao Bachcho Tumhe Dikhaye and De Di Hame Azadi. He was also awarded the Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian honor, in 1990.

  • The song was first sung by Lata Mangeshkar, who is one of the most famous and respected singers in India. She has recorded songs in over 36 languages and has won numerous awards, including the Bharat Ratna in 2001. She is also known as the Nightingale of India.

  • The song was featured in the 1963 movie Hum Hindustani, which was a patriotic drama starring Sunil Dutt, Joy Mukherjee and Asha Parekh. The movie was a hit at the box office and received positive reviews from critics.

  • The song is still popular among Indians of all ages and backgrounds. It is often played on radio and television channels on Independence Day and Republic Day. It is also sung by school children, college students and citizens during various cultural events and celebrations.



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